10 June 2014

On Love and Nature

Nature-lovers want to receive as fully as possible whatever nature,  at each particular time and place, is, so to speak, saying. The obvious richness, grace and harmony of some scenes are no more precious to them than the grimes, bleakness, terror, monotony, or 'visionary dreariness' of others. The featureless itself gets from them a willing response.  It is one more word uttered by nature. They lay themselves bare to the sheer quality of every countryside every hour of the day. They want to absorb it into themselves,  to be coloured through and through by imit . - - C. S. Lewis, The Four Loves

Post Scriptum: In which C. S. Lewis used the English version of "bless his heart".
"To be sure, this conviction had not made my friend (God rest his soul) a villain; only an extremely lovable old ass."

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